Development of International Airport at Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh on a PPP format

Project Overview

Project: Development of International Airport at Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh on a PPP format
Location: Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh
Duration:  Jul 2009 to Jul 2010
Client: Directorate of Tourism, Uttar Pradesh
Address: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Brief Description of the Project

Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) intended to undertake development of an International Airport at Kushinagar and Buddhist Circuit covering at least six Buddhist Sites of Uttar Pradesh in PPP mode on DBFOT basis which would trigger substantial infrastructure and socio-economic developments, not only in the State of Uttar Pradesh but also in the Nation as a whole.

To achieve the said objectives, GoUP wanted to undertake

  1. Project Development encompassing project conceptualization to project implementation / commissioning; and
  2. Selection of suitable partners for implementing the Project.

Services Provided

  1. Data Collection through primary and secondary sources
  2. Traffic forecast for the project through assessment of the influence zone of the airport, requirement of various service providers at the airport, passenger and goods traffic load, and O-D pattern study.
  3. Assessment of Infrastructure Facilities, both land and air side, at the proposed Airport keeping in view the 30-year horizon and tourism activities through the Buddhist tourism corridor.
  4. Remodeling, redesigning / creating new infrastructure at the six nodes and existing 9 tourist complexes of the tourism department located on the identified Buddhist tourism corridor.
  5. Assessment of Infrastructure and allied facilities namely hotels, convention centers, exhibition centers, leisure and amusement facilities, shopping malls, etc., and Infrastructure requirements to permit the efficient transfer of tourists within the node.
  6. Assessment of Connectivity to all 6 nodes by highways/expressways & adequate, public transport system, etc. and Infrastructure to facilitate the efficient movement of passengers/tourists from the hinterland to the nodes and from the nodes to the nearest International Airport.
  7. Preparation of Project Master Plan including runways, aprons, Firefighting, fuel farm, terminal building, basic infrastructure facilities, and civic amenities.
  8. Examination of available and emerging state-of-the-art technology for efficient and cost-effective operation and management system for the entire project.
  9. Financial Viability Analysis including Cost Estimation, Revenue Estimates, Cashflow analysis, and financial sensitivity analysis
  10. Social and Environment Impact Assessment and procurement of all critical pre-construction clearances such as Forest, Environment, Civil Aviation, Defense, etc.
  11. Development of Bidding documents viz. EOI, RFQ, RFP, Draft Concession Agreement, and reaching out to prospective developers with pitch presentations.
  12. Undertook Bid Process Management including assistance in Pre-bid conferences, response to queries, and Bid evaluation.
  13. Post-Concession Agreement support by providing assistance in the review of project plans provided by the PPP Player, selection of IE, and other contractual obligations.
  14. Establishing a monitoring system for project implementation and management.
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