Design, Planning, and Construction Supervision of Heliports with Rescue Centers at about 60 locations in Uttarakhand towards disaster preparedness under Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Program (ADB Funded)
Project Overview
Project: Design, Planning, and Construction Supervision of Heliports with Rescue Centers at about 60 locations in Uttarakhand towards disaster preparedness under the Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Program (ADB Funded)
Location: Multiple locations in Uttarakhand
Duration: Feb. 2015 to Jun. 2017
Client: Civil Aviation Department, Government of Uttarakhand
Address: Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Brief Description of the Project
The government of India received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project (UEAP) under which the Government of Uttarakhand took an initiative to develop Helipads, Heliports, and Helidromes integrated with multi-purpose halls/shelters as rescue centers at 60 locations in the state. It involved the upgradation / construction of about 37 Helipads, 19 Heliports, and 4 Helidromes.
Services Provided
A program management team consisting of 30 experts delivered the following scope of services –
- The Comprehensive preparations of the Sub-project Appraisal Reports (SARs) for select 41 helipad sites, and 60 sub-projects of multi-purpose halls/shelter sites complete in the agreeable format with all technical details and safeguard checklists.
- Comprehensive preparation of the DPRs for select 41 sub-projects of helipad sites, and for select 60 subprojects of multi-purpose halls/shelter sites, complete in the agreeable format with all detailed technical planning, design, drawings, bill of quantities (BOQ), construction management plan, quality assurance/quality control manual, etc.
- Comprehensive tender packaging of Works, goods, and services required for select 41 sub-projects of helipad sites, and for select 60 subprojects of multi-purpose halls/shelters sites, and preparation of bidding documents for the same;
- Preparation, review, periodical updation, due diligence, and compliance of safeguards-environmental, and social (involuntary resettlement and indigenous people) as per the established framework of the project for selecting 41 sub-projects of helipad sites, and for selecting 60 subprojects of multi-purpose halls/shelter sites.
- Appraisal and periodical updation of all information, reports, SARs, DPRs, bidding documents, drawings, due diligence reports, and safeguards categorization & checklists, etc. submitted by the Preparatory Consultant for select 19 sub-projects of helipad sites;
- Procurement processes-related assistance in Works, goods, and services procurement for 41 sub-projects of helipad sites, and 60 subprojects of multi-purpose halls/shelters sites.
- Contract Management for all 60 sub-projects of helipad sites, and all 60 sub-projects of multi-purpose halls/shelter sites.
- Comprehensive supervision & oversight of project implementation activities, Works, goods, and services for 60 subprojects (helipad sites and multi-purpose shelters/hall sites) carried out by the contractors to ensure complete compliance with working documents, technical specifications, planning & engineering standards and DGCA Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR), quality assurances, codes of practices, international best practices, etc.;
- Comprehensive project management activities for all 60 subprojects (helipad sites and multi-purpose shelters/hall sites) including preparation/periodical updation of procurement & disbursement plans, performance monitoring, evaluation, reporting and communication, transaction advisory pre-feasibility, revenue modeling, operation and maintenance plan, handholding IA & EA for necessary training & knowledge management, etc.
- Assistance in obtaining statutory clearances, no objection certificates (NOCs), compliance certifications, etc. from relevant authorities/agencies/regulatory bodies/accreditation bodies for planning and operation of all 60 subprojects (helipad sites and multi-purpose shelters/hall sites)